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The nation's only fire service membership network dedicated to promoting and advancing the realistic training needs of today's firefighters.

FT V19 2 Mar15  FT DT Mar15

Become a member of the Fire Department Training Network, the fire service's #1 training advocate, and the only membership organization that is truly devoted to the training needs of today's firefighters. Take a look at an issue of FIRE TRAINING and run through a few of the training sessions with our monthly Department Trainer.

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FDTN's 2024 Calendar is here! –– Registration Opens November 1st!

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Today's Drill


Today's Drill: Layin out…you may not like it but you better be good at it.

Take your turn on the tailboard today. Whether you use 3-inch or 5-inch (or something else), leave the backstep, grab what you need to get the job done and then make the hyrdrant connection. It's a simple drill but a great refresher!

The drill isn't about length…it's about getting from the tailboard to the hydrant with everything you need.

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Today's Drill
Hook & Irons at FDTN

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Training Saves Lives

If you believe that training is the key to saving firefighter's lives then membership in the Fire Department Training Network is for you!

Become a member of the fire service’s #1 training advocate and the only organization devoted to advancing the realistic training needs of today’s firefighters.


Become a Member Today!

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